LOS AMIGOS EPISCOPALES is a 501(c)3 charitable organization and a peace and justice ministry in the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio. Los Amigos Episcopales is a Christ-centered organization whose mission is to:
1) support the vocational, educational, social and humanitarian programs of the Episcopal Church in El Salvador; 2) maintain and support community between congregations of the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio and the Episcopal Diocese of El Salvador; 3) educate members and others about the people of El Salvador. Some years ago a psychologist from Massachusetts organized preschools there with the idea that the only way to address the extreme poverty and upheaval in that civil-war-torn country was to provide education for the children in their most formative years. Following the cessation of the Massachusetts educational grant in 1995, Los Amigos voted to continue funding and support for the schools as our primary mission. Additionally, Los Amigos has contributed to a Bean Fund which loans money to farmers to purchase seeds. The loan is repaid by the farmers with a very modest interest when the crops are harvested. To support our work in El Salvador, please send donations to Los Amigos Episcopales c/o Church of Our Saviour 471 Crosby Street Akron, OH 44302 or use the convenient PayPal "Donate" button below. Please consider adding 1.5% to your donation to cover PayPal fees. Thank you. |
Join Los Amigos Episcopales on
Saturday March 29, 2025 at 11 am St. Matthew's Episcopal Church 9549 Highland Drive Brecksville, OH Election results from our January 11, 2025 meeting for a two-year term beginning 1-1-25 until 12-31-25: President - The Rev. Al Muller Treasurer - Jennifer Boswell Corresponding Secretary - Debby Dynkiewicz The agenda for our March 29, 2025, meeting includes discussing Al Muller's April trip to El Salvador to install a potable water system. Visitors are welcome. About Los Amigos Episcopales Our general meetings are open to all. Would you like to know more about our ministry in El Salvador? Would you like to help? Please join us as we continue our work in Partnership with the Anglican/Episcopal Diocese of El Salvador to support the church schools and the seminary. Los Amigos' members are happy to visit churches interested in our work in El Salvador. To arrange a visit, contact [email protected] If you would like to donate, you may do so by using the Pay Pal "Donate" button on this page or by mailing a check to Los Amigos Episcopales c/o Church of Our Saviour 471 Crosby Street Akron, OH 44302 |
Helping schools in El Salvador

For more than 30 years, Los Amigos Episcopales has assisted the following schools as requested by Bishop Martín Barahona to help the schools work towards self-sufficiency. Upon the retirement of Bishop Barahona, Bishop Davíd Alvarado asked us to continue this work. Los Amigos members have often visited these schools and can attest to their importance in educating some of the poorest children in El Salvador:
San Agustin de Canterbury, Soyapango, Amatepec - currently using a Montessori program
(formerly San Andres Apostol)
San Miguel Arcangel, Quezaltepeque
San Mateo, Lourdes - re-opened in 2017 with a Montessori program
In addition, for the last seven years we have successfully funded a small school in El Maizal,
La Divina Providencia
We are currently raising funds for the upcoming school year.
All are invited to join our partnership with the Diocese of El Salvador. Please contact
Margare[email protected]
to arrange for a speaker or for additional information about Los Amigos Episcopales.
San Agustin de Canterbury, Soyapango, Amatepec - currently using a Montessori program
(formerly San Andres Apostol)
San Miguel Arcangel, Quezaltepeque
San Mateo, Lourdes - re-opened in 2017 with a Montessori program
In addition, for the last seven years we have successfully funded a small school in El Maizal,
La Divina Providencia
We are currently raising funds for the upcoming school year.
All are invited to join our partnership with the Diocese of El Salvador. Please contact
Margare[email protected]
to arrange for a speaker or for additional information about Los Amigos Episcopales.